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On 16 July 2024, Nattome has organized an event called “The Gut Show”, which includes expert opinions and the unveiling of Malaysia’s initial clinical examination on the effectiveness of fermented soybean for gut health. This innovative study was conducted in partnership with UCSI University. The speakers at the event include Mr. Jon Lai, who is the Founder and CEO of Nattome, Head in Medicine and Health Sciences Assistant Professor at UCSI University Ts. Dr. Tan Chung Keat, and Ms. Indra Balaratnam, a Certified Dietitian.

Mr. Jon Lai who is not a fan of non-natural solutions nor medication, was looking for more au naturale treatments for his serious gut health issues This led him to incept Nattome and innovate a scientifically-backed range of food-based products to help Malaysians alleviate and prevent stomach-related issues, to optimize their health and live life to the fullest.

Professor Ts. Dr. Tan Chung Keat addressed the growing occurrence of GERD, a condition frequently managed through medication or, in persistent instances, surgical intervention. Prof Dr Tan offers insights into the role of natural functional foods in treating GERD naturally and explains that functional foods are not just about nutrition; they are about natural foods or supplementation that optimizes health and helps prevent disease. One good functional food is fermented soybean (Glycine max) which is a primary plant-based protein source in East Asian countries. Fermented soybean offers more health benefits than its unfermented counterpart, recognized for its therapeutic effects and has been proven to possess anti-diabetic, anti-oxidants, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ms. Indra Balaratnam shared that a healthy gut ensures proper digestion of the foods and drinks you consume every day. When the foods are digested well, your body’s cells are able to absorb the nutrients from the foods so that it becomes the foundation in your overall good health, strengthening your immunity and reducing your risk for chronic diseases.

Fermented soy bean is the key ingredient present in Nattome’s food-based solutions, used in the research. The study spanned 12 weeks with 110 participants with complaints of heartburn, acid reflux, regurgitation and non-cardiac chest pain. The results revealed significant improvements in GERD symptoms, quality of life and marked reduction in inflammatory levels among users of Nattome. Overall, the study group showed a 47.6% reduction in heartburn symptoms, 40.9% reduction in dyspepsia (indigestion) symptoms, 62.9% reduction in regurgitation symptoms, between 19.8% to 43.5% for various inflammation markers and 13.3% improvement overall in quality of life in Reflux & Dyspepsia (QOLRAD).

Explore the clinical study and see how Nattome can transform your gut health. For the full article, please visit:

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